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E84 ❤️ Gatsby & JAMstack – Introducing Gatsby [Spark]


The JAMstack generally has become ubiquitous as a solid and reliable architecture for building applications for the web. As much as we didn’t know it, the JAMstack has been part of E84’s blood before the term was coined, as we worked through application challenges focusing on serving static applications and websites using AWS S3 and the services they provide.

NBA Jam… He’s on Fire… anyone?

In comes GatsbyJS

While it wasn’t ever uncommon to find applications in this architecture, getting there has always been a trip, whether it was figuring out a webpack configuration or installing all of the things to get your site statically compiled. Not to mention all of the above trying to integrate with a CMS… what nightmares are made of.

This is precisely why we love Gatsby. It’s given us the ability to stop wasting time on configuration over and over again and focus on what’s important with our applications, building the software that helps change and save lives by giving scientists tools to get there.

Gatsby [Spark]

Not only do we know a lot of you love Gatsby and JAMstack yourself, we want to share our experiences with you and hear your stories. That’s why we’re starting Gatsby [Spark] at the Element 84 HQ.

Our first meetup will be Wednesday 5/29 from 6:30pm-8:30 EST. You can find most, if not all, of the details on our Meetup event page: https://www.meetup.com/Gatsby-Spark/events/261288591/

Come join us in learning more about these awesome technologies and how it makes all of our development lives easier.