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Element 84 ❤️ AWS

As an Amazon Web Services Advanced Consulting Partner with competencies in Public Safety and Disaster Response, Element 84 can work with your team to bring critical cloud data to the edge.

Public Safety & Disaster Response Competency

Rapid mapping, satellite, and drone processing for first responders at the edge.

Element 84 is an AWS Public Safety and Disaster Response Competency launch partner and will help your team bring critical cloud data and processing to the field and improve decision making in disaster scenarios.

Our Filmdrop product suite incorporates a decade of experience in remote sensing data and user interfaces, accelerating information to first responders in the field.

Disaster Recover User Interface screenshot

AWS Solutions for Disaster Response

AWS Cloud

Element 84 can help you build and manage your critical data systems in the AWS Cloud—including on-prem migrations, data storage solutions, and serverless architecture for pipeline processing and web applications.

Snowball Edge

Are you ready to take your data and compute into the field? AWS Snowball Edge brings the power of S3 and EC2 to a standalone, ruggedized box so you can have data and processing closer to where key decisions are being made.


Serverless architecture can give you the flexibility to scale and expand the use of critical data when it’s needed most. Element 84 can bring the power of AWS Lambda to improve the design of current applications or build new on-demand data systems tailored to your mission or disaster resiliency plan.

Improving Disaster Response Data Pipelines

A look at user problems and opportunities when using remote sensing data in disaster response scenarios.
Get insights into:

  • Common issues with data use in disaster response
  • How small user experience issues can cause big problems
  • Potential personas to consider when designing systems
  • Common software and cloud solutions used in the disaster response space

Case Studies

Butte County Search and Rescue

Element 84 has been working with the Butte County Search and Rescue team and their case studies from the 2018 California Camp Fire to help inform the development of FilmDrop DR—our mapping and disaster response dashboard. Our goal with FilmDrop DR is to build an event-based mapping system that allows any individual to become a reliable operator within fifteen minutes of being introduced to the software. This core principle will allow the system to be used by anyone on the response team, regardless of technical background—allowing for operator flexibility in disaster situations.

Civil Air Patrol

One of the newest ongoing missions of the Civil Air Patrol is to train cadets on the latest remote sensing and GIS technologies to assist in their search and rescue mission. Element 84 has been working with the Virginia wing of CAP to assist in standardized remote sensing training and field testing our FilmDrop-on-Snowball Edge systems. Our goal is to provide reliable mapping, inventory, and in-situ data processing support to cadet field teams.


The Information Technology Disaster Resource Center provides equipment and volunteers to help communities recover and rebuild after a disaster. Element 84 is working to include data processing and mapping capabilities in ITDRC’s standard set of deployed offerings along with certifying E84 employees to deploy with ITDRC teams.

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