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Asgard Calling: GeoTrellis Release Candidate 0.7.0-RC2


Erik and I are extremely excited to announce that the new release candidate (0.7.0-RC2) for GeoTrellis for version 0.7, also known as Asgard, is now available for review and testing. This is the code that will become GeoTrellis 0.7.0 unless issues turn up during user testing, so we’d love to hear any feedback, answer any questions, or resolve any issues that you find. The Getting Started documentation and the API documentation have been updated to reflect the new release.

Some fun big picture statistics: between 0.6 and 0.7, there have been 301 files changed, 10,566 lines of code added, and 7,385 lines of code deleted.

Here is a summary of some important changes:

  • Powerful new support for extremely large rasters through tiled raster data classes
  • New map/reduce-style definition of operations for data parallelism on large raster data
  • Support for a range of new raster data types for efficient memory utilization and performance improvements
  • Significant speed improvements through lazy evaluation
  • Improved geoprocessing operation hierarchy and operation naming scheme
  • Modernized benchmark structure with many new performance benchmarks, including tiled raster tests
  • First class support for floating point raster data values, with floating point raster interface, support in core operations for floating point values, and implementation of floating point ARG formats
  • The getting started documentation has been significantly expanded and improved 
  • Executable geotrellis tools can now be installed via conscript
  • The geotrellis template has moved to the github repository geotrellis.g8, and can now be installed using giter8

Another exciting development since the 0.6 release: support for the ARG raster format was contributed to GDAL by David Zwarg. Using a recent build of GDAL, users can convert from other raster formats into ARG and also use GDAL’s full suite of raster conversion tools on existing ARG files. Future releases of GDAL will contain this ARG-support, as well as tools like QGIS which use GDAL internally.

GeoTrellis Team

Github: http://geotrellis.io
Maven repository: https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/
Documentation: https://github.com/locationtech/geotrellis/blob/master/docs-mdoc/getting-started.md
IRC: #geotrellis on freenode